Battered & pregnant

I know that I will have pros & cons in regards to this, but I need to vent. I’m not sure if you ever been battered or even battered while pregnant. On today I was battered by my boyfriend of 2 & half years. No this wasn’t the first time he hit me up even made me swell or bleed. Yes, I should have left the first time right ??? For the ones whom say that did you know it’s NOT that easy 😒🤔. Denial is what makes it hard, because you deny that the man you love would touch you in a harmful way. You deny that the man would ever speak disrespectfully to you. Whom wants to believe that he’s not the same anymore ??? When you do gain the strength to leave that’s when they want to play the victim role. They will make you feel so LOW, & foolish. Act as if they’ve never done anything HARMFUL to you or towards you. Being pregnant by this person makes it difficult. Now you have to consider your child, & it’s well being. So since he’s beating on you randomly now you fear if your child will even make it here healthy. How could a man want you pregnant so badly harm you while you’re carrying his child? He has 3 kids already, & barely gets to see them or talk to them. Could it be that he’s on drugs ??? Could this be marijuana ? Could this be the cocaine he does ? Yes, Cocaine is right. You’ve discover this maybe 2 months ago. Should have left then ??? Yes I feel that to, but to you’re surprise it’s a lot of people doing it. People you wouldn’t even thought was is .. hmmmmm I bet someone’s reading this saying she’s foolish for even putting up with him. I never said that I wasn’t, but how do I let go????? I’ve tried so many times, & never could. I did the trial of not talking to him, ignoring his calls, & deleting pictures NONE of it helped ‼️😒 Ladies whom been through this or knew someone who has how did they survive ??????? What was their support system ??? My family has did nothing, but speak foully behind my back. Why can’t I let go????? I don’t deserve to be beaten on. No I don’t like to be beaten on. Where the love ????? ♥️ it’s NO Love .. how could it be 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔. You ever wish you could go back, but maybe we wouldn’t even exist. That would mean our parents could go back, & their parents. Did I mention he felt like I shouldn’t had announced my pregnancy? His family felt like I shouldn’t have ????? I could use some scriptures right now, & a choir 😭.. hopefully someone has read this through 🤦🏾‍♀️ don’t judge cause it could be you or it maybe someday. NOT to down talk anyone or curse them. I’m just going through a lot, & I NEED to vent.