Very late but...5-31-18

brianna • engaged 💍 mommy to a beautiful baby girl 🎀

Trying to rock my baby girl to sleep and reading through all of the birth stories, I realized that I never shared mine!

From the beginning of my pregnancy my doctors were worried about me possibly going over my due date and let me know that they weren’t letting me get past 41 weeks. Being a woman with a shorter torso I didn’t really question it since this is my first baby.

At 37 weeks I started noticing that I was having pains and getting very uncomfortable. I thought it was only my little girl kicking me and wiggling around. I went to my doctors appointment where I learned that I was having Braxton hicks contractions, very irregular but happening where they would make me stop what I was doing for a few seconds. At 38 weeks 2 days I woke up around 3 am and panicked because a contraction very strong woke me up out of my sleep. It lasted for about 30 seconds and went away. I didn’t even realize that I had woken up my fiancé. When it went away I payed back down and went to bed while he waited to make sure it wouldn’t happen again. About two hours later, the same thing..

So that day I went to work like normal and the contractions started to pick up. So I called my doctors office to make sure everything was okay since I was still early. During that time, I had a contraction while they were checking her heart rate and her heart rate disappeared and when the contraction went away, her heart rate dropped. I was 2 cm dilated at that point. So I was sent to the hospital to be monitored and checked to make sure she wasn’t under duress after each contraction. Long story short, everything was okay with the baby and they sent me home but pulled me out of work earlier than I expected.

Since I was due Memorial Day weekend (27th) I went to my 40 week appointment two days early. My doctor checked me and found that I was no longer dilated, which we didn’t even know was possible, but I was about 50% effaced. He stated that if she didn’t come over the weekend then I was going to be scheduled to be induced on the 30th at 10pm.

MDW came and went with no sign of baby other than my irregular contractions, so I went to be induced where they gave me Cervidil to get things started. Starting things off for sure. Stronger contractions made for a rest-free night! That morning my doctor woke me at 7 am where I was checked and was completely effaced and 1cm dilated. They started the pitocin which immediately kicked off stronger contractions. They went from every 15 minutes to every two minutes. I waited until every 1.5 minutes to get the epidural. At 12:30pm they gave me the epidural which helped so much and we found that I was 2cm dilated at that point. So they upped the pitocin again. The contractions moved to every 45 seconds but I could barely feel them and at 5 I was checked again and not dilating so they talked to my doctor who said if I’m not at to 4 cm by 7pm then they have to do a c section since my contractions were too close together.

7pm rolls around and I only went to 3cm, so they prepped me for the c section at 8pm. While waiting for the epidural to kick in more and the local anesthetic, my epidural failed and only worked on half of my belly. With all of the local in me that they could possibly give, they had to put me under. So myself and fiancé were not able to witness the birth of our daughter 😢. But at 8:26pm, Emelia Ann was born 7lbs 8oz and 20 inches. My fiancé was right outside of the room where she struggled to breath so a team rushed and was working on her while I was still unconscious. A couple minutes later they told him that she was fine and breathing on her own. He saw her get rolled off to be bathed and the first tests done while I was stitched and brought to recovery. Not even awake for 10 minutes post surgery the nursery called recovery to ask if I could breastfeed her since she was waking up the babies in the nursery.

This was from the recovery room.

And this was when the moved me to my room.

I balled my eyes out both times seeing her and couldn’t stop staring at her and saying how Beautiful she is.

She is now 7 weeks and perfect in every way possible.