Diets while pregnant

M. 🌻 • PCOS & Pregnant with our rainbow 🌈❣️🌻

Okay, so nutrition and exercise is literally my major lol but these hormones and “Mom mode” have me double guessing everything I know.

Before I got pregnant I was VERY strictly vegetarian, even borderline vegan (I am a HUGE health nut) and then I figured out my lack of b12 (even though I was supplementing) was causing miscarriage SO I started eating it again and lone behold I’m now 13 weeks pregnant with a healthy baby.

SO here’s my dilemma, I. Feel. Like. Garbage. with the way I’m eating. I hate eating meat & drinking milk and all this jazz. I feel so out of touch with myself BUT it’s not about me anymore.

So I just want to know if theres any vegetarian mommas out there who are having a healthy pregnancy and not worried about any deficiencies? Or, are there people that were vegetarians during pregnancy that ended up with issues?

I know a few people who were vegan while pregnant and it was just fine, and also, with my major I know if I mix up enough in my diet I should be fine. But like I said I’m double guessing everything because these damn Mom hormones, because science even sometimes varies person to person.

Thanks in advance!

(Also note, I would try and stay heavy on the eggs to assure my b12 because that was an issue before even though my pregnancy should be fine now. & id ask my doctor, but when I was 3 miscarriages deep he wouldn’t even listen to my concern about the B12, so no thanks)