My friend is attached and annoying 😩

My friend is so attached it’s crazy...

So i had to work today - I could take a day off but that would mean i’d have to take a day off from my annual leave which I only have 5 days left and I didn’t want to take it until I could go abroad - she has been in my house since Thursday and she manipulatively booked a really expensive spa for Monday for both of us so I’d take the day off 🤬... when we had the whole of Sunday free!

She also leaves a lot of her clothes and stuff at my place she says it’s bcus she can’t take them - but i know she uses it as an excuse to come back here 😫

She also lies... for example, I didn’t want to go cinema the other day i kept telling her “ok we will see later” so she told me she had already booked the tickets... so i felt forced to go there only to find that she had not booked any ticket!

She also behaves like if I was her “man”... she always takes the comfy seat in the restaurants, complains about her bags being too heavy (until I carry them), always says “really need a massage, my back hurts” until i freaking massage her! Walks me into shopping malls and stays there for ages!! Wtf this is driving me crazy 🤬🤬🤬🤬