Feel like a bad mom

My baby won’t sleep in his bassinet for more than 10 minutes. The second I lay him down in there he starts stretching and grunting until he wake himself completely up .. every time. Sometimes illput him down after he’s been in a deep sleep for awhile and he’ll seem like he’s doing fine in the bassinet but it’s still only sleeping up to 30 minutes. If he’s on the bed next to me he can sleep for HOURS he’ll wake up to nurse but I’ll just nurse him on my side and sleep while he eats .. basically I feel like a bad mom because I read everywhere that the safest place for him to sleep is in his own bed with no blankets or anything but he loves to sleep on the bed with me like right next to me so he can touch me. He’s 6 weeks old and I have been trying to get him to sleep in his bassinet since birth basically. It’s not that I mind sleeping with him bc im Hispanic and I feel like in my cultural cosleeping is normal, my aunt & grandma both did it from the day their children were born. My 17 year old cousin still sleeps in her moms bed on a regular basis and it’s just normal to cosleep and I wanted to wait until he was at least 4 months to start cosleeping but I just can’t ... advice ?

On a COMPLETELY different note my baby twitches a lot in his sleep. Like not very noticeably but like his hand will be twitching. He also sleeps with his eyes partially open all the time and I will see his eyes moving all around and they will roll back a lot and it scares me but is it normal? Is he just dreaming? Or sometimes when he’s awake but he’s just woken up or is falling back asleep he will keep rolling his eyes back and breathing really hard and then I get scared because it’s been so hot lately like a literal heat wave and I don’t have air conditioning so what am I supposed to do.? During the day we try to be out somewhere or in AC driving around but we can’t always be out and even when we’re home at night it’s hot as hell and I have the fan blowing right on us but it’s still just warm air and I don’t know if that’s why he starts breathing so hard I have him just in a diaper to keep him cooled down but what more can I do?

Idk I just feel terrible