Progression questions

Do you think the progression is bad here?

Above are from last Monday 7/16 when i first found out until Friday.

And then these three are from Saturday, Sunday, and last pic Monday (this morning). I would be about 4 weeks 5 days today.

Last week my initial HCG at 3 weeks 6 days was 46 and progesterone 28.9 and 48 hours later at 4 week 1 day HCG was 147..... don’t have another HCG check until this Thursday.... not feeling too bad at all so thought I would keep checking with tests each morning, but now I think it’s just causing me more anxiety than it is helping. Just not really sure these last 3 days have progressed in the darkness much 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ thanks for any words of encouragement in advance! 💕