Feeling really good about this month


Have y’all ever had a month while ttc where you just felt really good and positive about that month? Well I’m having that now. Actually my husband and I both are, my husband keeps saying I really feel like this is our month. And honestly I kinda do too. Now I don’t know if we will get our BFP this month or not, but it feels great to have such positive feelings. We are joyous and eager and it just feels great. It took us a while to get to this point I thank the lord for helping us get here. My husband and I had the hardest time when we started our ttc journey after a few months of realizing we weren’t getting pregnant. We were just feeling heart break, confusion, hopelessness and honestly sometimes we would take it out on each other. We were easily jealous and envious of any and everyone we saw who became pregnant. I felt so guilty for these negative feelings, I knew it wasn’t right to feel that way but also I didn’t like feeling that way. So there was a point where I began praying not only for my sudden infertility but for my heart, my mind and my feelings. I didn’t like feeling all the negative feelings and prayed for God’s help to change that. Here I am a year later and I feel so much positivity I feel like I could bust! God is so good y’all, he has completely turned my attitude around in this journey and I am realizing how sweet being in the valley really can be. Maybe this is our month, maybe not, but it is so awesome that we can continue our journey of ttc moving forward feeling eager, hopeful, joyful, and honestly just excited about the baby we know God is going to bless us with. It is awesome y’all it really is. God has already answered so many of our prayers and I am just so thankful that he walks with us daily, we are never alone. Deuteronomy 31:6- be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. He said it right there, he will never leave us, that means where we go he goes with us, isn’t that just awesome? We are not alone in this journey of ttc we have the Lord walking with us every step of the way, we also have a whole support system through this app. I have already encountered so many women on here who are willing to share their story and just want to encourage one another, and that is awesome! We are not in this alone! There is a whole of community of ladies wanting to be lifted up. I am so thankful and blessed. Let us continue to encourage one another and to pray for one another, not only to have a baby, but also to have peace of mind, and to have joy as we walk this road.