Can stress make your period late

I’ve been stressed all last week . This app says I’m 2 days late my other app says I am 4 days late. I’ve been having headaches due to all the stress I’ve been having I had a hangover last weekend so I had a headache for a good full day I’ve taken tylenol acetaminophen for like 3 days in a row . I barely been eating I was overthinking my life away for the whole week last week which ended with a lot of crying myself to sleep and horrribleee headaches not just any regular headache. I am sexually active here’s a pic from my other app .. my period isn’t regular it’s always a few days late sometimes it can be 5-6 days late sometimes 2 . So I’m not sure I do still test just in case I didn’t take one yet but In the past I have taken a whole bunch one time I was 12 days late. I’ve only been active for 4 months. The hearts mean days I’ve had sex. Red line is period