Hypnobirthing & Induction

Alana • Las Vegan, early-thirties mama of 2 boys

Happy birthday to... my family!

My baby boy arrived on my birthday at 10:37pm! What’s even crazier is that my first born was born on my birthday two years ago! My husband is the odd man out with a December birthday. The rest of us are July 21st babies!

We ended up inducing with our most recent baby Joseph. He was 40w2d and already estimated at 9lbs 3oz at 39 weeks. He ended up being 9lbs 12oz! We did pitocin and doc broke my water to get things going. All natural otherwise. Man am I feeling that today! Glad to finally have my baby in my arms. Induction wasn’t that different from my first’s natural birth. I used hypnobirthing methods to stay cool until my birthing instincts took over. Had a great experience!