birth control help


hey ladies, I'm so frustrated and in need of help and or advice. sorry if this post is a long one: so I'm almost been dating my boyfriend for over a year and we have been talking about wanting kids but for right now we put it to the side. now I have my frustrations with birth control ever since I had a cyst on my ovaries. I've never wanted to do it since it throws me into a hormonal rage. now my mom told me if I'm going to have sex I need to be on birth control because she says I don't need no kids right now , which is true but still. for so long I put off being on birth control because I know the effect it has on me. So I go to my doctor just to get a regular check-up and of course they ask me if I'm seeing anybody. of course I do mention my boyfriend and all of a sudden I'm forced, not asked, forced to go on birth control. so far I've been on three different birth controls in the past 3 months. 1 birth control gave me a major headache one I've never had before, the second birth control I've been bleeding and then in the hormonal state for a month. Yes I've been bleeding for almost a month already. Now I'm on my third different birth control but I'm just so frustrated and I feel like no one is hearing me out. not to mention I was told I need to have my gallbladder taken out. So being in pain, headaches, hormonal state, I'm just kind of at a dead end. If you guys have any tips or any suggestions on to figure out what I'm supposed to do in my situation it will be so appreciate it