We’re Starting Our Family!

Shaunalynna • Married • Age: 39 • TTC #1

My husband and I have been TTC for a while now. While it’s easy for some as many of us know it’s also difficult for others. Being an older couple we are on the end of having more of the difficulty. After many doctors appointments, heartbreaks and BFN we have decided to welcome kids into our life in another fashion of parenting. I am so excited about our news that I wanted to share it with someone but am not ready to post it on FB just yet until we are further into the process. I’m so excited to announce that my husband and I have officially begin the process of becoming foster parents! We’ve already done our prescreen phone call and have our appointment tomorrow to begin our paperwork, start our back ground checks and do our finger printing tomorrow! Our foster classes will start in August and by mid October if all goes well we will officially be foster parents! We will of course continue our TTC journey but it will no longer be our main priority or heart break if it doesn’t happen. Our choice to foster has been discussed for a while, but we didn’t plan on doing it for another 2yrs. After TTC though for a while with no luck we realized we could be helping children in need now help and fill our void of missing a family. We plan to open our hearts and our lives to these children and treat them as if they are our own biological children. They won’t be just a foster child, but instead our kids no matter how little or how long they are with us. We truly believe this was Gods plan for us even if we wanted a family the natural way. We hope to do foster to adopt during this process and when God finds the right child or children for us we will be allowed that opportunity to make them ours forever. We are going to start with children from ages 0-6 and then move up to older children once we are 100% comfortable in our parenting since we are first time parents! I am so looking forward to our journey as being parents and can’t wait until October when it can all become an actual reality for us! We’d planned to look into fostering in 2yrs as I mentioned above if we hadn’t gotten pregnant yet, but my husband decided that we were missing a child after all the heartbreaks & BFN we’ve had recently. It was him who came to me and said let’s start the process now instead in 2yrs because I am ready to be a dad. He’s set up our bedrooms already for the kids one as a nursery and one as a 4-6 yr old kids room. I don’t know who’s more eager to start the process tomorrow me or him. We both can’t wait! Thank you God for blessing me with a husband who’s loving and who wants a family. Thank you for allowing us to open our hearts to children in need and for giving them 2 parents and a family they deserve!