Super angry and just want to scream

So I’m posting this and there is really no point or solution but I guess any advice would be good.

I’m exactly 40 weeks today and no sign of baby (baby number 2 and number 1 was 2 weeks late) 😂 anyways that’s not why I’m mad I’ve accepted that my baby will come when he’s good and ready 😍 however I am very sore, tired and emotional.

So anyways I started getting annoyed because my MIL and SIL ask everyday where the baby is. Maybe I’m being petty but I just feel like it’s a stupid question. They also keep suggesting eating chilies castor oil etc. I find it so so annoying but I just ignore it and tell them I’m also anxious to meet him etc but not doing that stuff. I’m also annoyed because my in laws are forever asking us to visit them because they miss our daughter. They literally NEVER visit us and we go at least once a week. I AM 40 WEEKS PREGNANT! Their property has about 50 steep stairs going down which ultimately at the end of the visit you have to walk up! I’ve already told MIL I’m not coming because of the stairs (from about 38 weeks - prior to that every week we went) she still bugs my hubby and he still brings it up. I told him that I’ve already told his mother I’m not coming and he can take our daughter. He won’t. He literally won’t do anything if I don’t and that just puts pressure on me but I literally dgaf right now because I’ve had sciatica this pregnancy from very early on and my other leg gets numb just from standing.

So what PISSES me off is that these effig people will not get in their beautiful Luxury car and visit us but bitch and complain and manipulate us to come to them. Last year they visited us TWICE the whole year. If we don’t go then they just won’t come like that is how much they “miss” their granddaughter. To me, this is a power struggle and I am about to cuss somebody the eff out. My husband further pissed me off by asking if his mom can call our daughter before bed coz she wants to talk to her (you know coz driving 20 mins isn’t possible) my daughter is like addicted to cell phones and if we give her one it leads to meltdowns when we take it back now he wants to have a video call right before bed and she is horrible to put to bed even on a good night. I was so annoyed and he was so sorry he asked but I said fine call her you can deal with taking the phone away and putting our bub to bed he said no it’s fine. So he’s put her to bed and fell a sleep in there and I’m seething in bed.

Perhaps this sounds very unimportant but I’m so sick of these people being so unreasonable. My daughter likes her granny but hates the grandfather because he is so overbearing. I know it’s a shitty thing to say but I wish I didn’t have to deal with these people. 😭 I go out of my way for them and do more for them than my husband and they’re seriously expecting me to come to them as heavy and tired as I am. Cannot wait to see what they expect when baby comes. They barely saw my daughter the first months of her life because you know they don’t visit us 😤🤬😡

EDIT: Thank you for taking the time to respond to my crazy long rant ❤️ I agree with all the advice and just wish this didn’t annoy me so much 😔 I get fuming mad and I feel like I’m letting myself get bitter and consumed. Working on it 😅 thank you ladies 😘😘