No health insurance for baby?

C 💕

I need some insight.

I’m going back and forth with my job and insurance and just wondering if anyone’s had this situation.

So I had my son in February. My insurance allows changes during the annual enrollment OR if there was a life event, such as birth. So I went online and put the information in for my son a couple days after getting home from the hospital, but apparently somethings didn’t go through correctly. We’ve been getting billed from his pediatrician showing that my insurance was covering parts of each appointment. However last month I got a bill for almost $1000 saying that BCBS didn’t recognize my son as insured. So I called the benefits center at my job, they said he was never added and I never got notification that it didn’t go through or any indication he wasn’t on since the bills reflected he was until last month. The lady I spoke to said I just had to fill out an appeal and fax it in, that it would take about a month. Well it’s been / little over a month and i haven’t heard anything or seen any changes. So I called BCBS to see what’s going on and they said they never got the papers from my job to add my son and I would have to call the benefit for center for my job. Well I tried calling during break but the home time was too long so I’m gonna try improve during lunch.

I’m just wondering if anyone had been through this and what ended up happening? We can’t afford a $1000 bill and I’m not sure what to do. I’m not sure if they’ll be able to like backdate it back to February and I can just have the difference in prmwijm taken or do my check or if they’ll just add him to start covering his future appointments or what. If they don’t backdate or it’ll actually be more expensive to backdate it then idk how we’re gonna pay the bill. I know his office is one of the kinds where they won’t send it to collection as long we streadily pay something towards the balance, but i don’t want to have that big of a balance, we worked really hard to make sure we stayed on top of all he doctor bills and hospital bills.

Any similar stories and what where the outcomes?