Heartbroken and clinging to hope


I’m 7+1 today and went for my ultrasound. There was no heartbeat.

I miscarried from june 3-7 and never had a period in between so they count that as my last period- putting me at 7 weeks. Today they only saw a sack measuring 5 1/2-6 weeks but no baby or heartbeat. Dr thinks the baby stopped growing. Sent me for blood work to confirm.

I’m being irrational and clinging to hope that somehow I’m earlier that I am- but dr did not feel that way. I had my first hcg done june 30 and it was only a 5. I had it done again three days later and it went to 40. That was weeks ago. I think he feels if I was earlier along than thought, then those levels wouldn’t have shown up back then?

I have a miracle blessing boy that’s 13 months- but this will mark my fifth miscarriage.


My dr called and said my hcg levels are in the 3,000s and that he’s “thoroughly confused”. He said he expected them to be in the low hundreds now at best. He wants me to retest in two days. What’s going on?!? I feel like all this is doing is giving me false hope. 😔

**update number 2**

Went to what was supposed to be my final ultrasound and then meeting to schedule a d and c. Well the dr that did the ultrasound thinks it looks like a normal 5 week pregnancy to him...

My dr doesn’t think it’s going to be viable but isn’t comfortable ending it yet so he’s keeping me on the progesterone for another week and a half and then I’ll have another ultrasound. He said there’s a tiny chance I lost the first pregnancy but fell pregnant again right away and this is a new baby. Yet again-no clear answer.