God showed me the light

I just want to say a little praise to the most highest. You don't have to join in if you're not religous but I am so I'm going to.

God, thank you for showing me that he has been cheating on me with prostitutes for years and that I'm not just crazy like he made me out to be. Thank you for showing me exactly where our money has been wasted when I've been wondering for so long how we're struggling to survive on his good income, and where his priorities lie.

When he rifled through my drawers found my personal massager and told me that I was a "stupid ungrateful bitch" you not only showed me that he's a hypocrite (chronic masturbator and has chosen masturbation to porn over sex with me uncountable times) but you showed me that he also thinks that he is better than me, because he told me it was okay for him to touch himself but not for me. Thank you so much for showing me that.

God showed me that he doesn't give not one single fuck about me or our child, and that he would gladly use our child as a pawn in court, by telling me that he planned to gather up any and all evidence he had of my "emotional abuse" (videos of me yelling at him after he started screaming matches with me currently at 36 weeks pregnant, conveniently beginning the film once I've been pushed over the edge to even raise my voice.) You showed me that he knew full and well that he believed he could get away with whatever he wanted when he laughed in my face and said "Ha! Where are you going to go? I've cheated on you before and you haven't done shit. Just go sit down and shut the fuck up.".

Thank you for showing me that he is violent and unstable. When I began to leave anyways he started throwing things and punching holes in the wall, grabbing me by my neck and arms in a desperate attempt to hold me there at the apartment.

Thank you God. For not letting me just sit down and shut the fuck up. Thank you for allowing me to gather up my things and get the absolute fuck out of that abusive, manipulative relationship. I haven't had the strength to leave for a long time despite the fact that I should have. Thank you for getting my daughter and I out of this environment before it was too late.