I feel like we're drifting apart


So we had our baby girl 6 months ago and my husband started a permanent night shift at work. Since then he's been super tired and snappy over nothing. I keep telling him to go back to bed after only 4/5 hours sleep and he refuses to and ends up falling asleep just before he needs to get ready for work. Because he is tired, he gets very snappy and when our daughter gets upset he says 'what's wrong with her', which seriously bugs me! I do everything for him - take him to and from work, cook dinner every night, wash, clean, do his lunch from work. Sometimes he is grateful and sometimea he moans at tgr slightest thing and im trying mt best. Today he was trying to get some stuff in the car and he couldn't get it to fit so he went all stroppy and moody and I nearly left him at his dad's cause I'm super fed up of it now. He slept most the weekend and I have to ask him to hold our daughter and bond with her. I dropped him at the shops today so he could go collect his 40th pair of trainers!!!!! and asked him to pick up something for dinner. He comes back empty handed!!! I've not spoken to him since I dropped him at work at 8pm and I need to pick him up at 5am. I just don't know what to do, I'm waiting for an apology from him but I don't think it's going to come 🙄