Still in Shock!!!!


Last time I wrote a post, I had just had 2 miscarriages within a 3 month time frame and got a BFP with rainbow baby!!!

Well that little handsome fellow decided to come in 42 weeks. As an emergency c-section at the last minute at 3:26am on 3/17/17 which just so happens to be my anniversary. When they cut him out, I looked at my husband and said HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!! Needles to say... he looks just like his older sister!!! I really did not want a c-section and tried everything to not have one, but the dr said I was in labor for too long and all day and had not progressed from 8cm. It was horrible because my little fella did not like the feeling of contractions and would stop moving with each one. They put in every position possible to try and help. But nothing. Let’s not forget that halfway through the epidural stop working because the battery on the machine went dead.

Fast Forward to this year. I go to the dr for my yearly!!!! And came out pregnant!!! It was so weird because when I went in earlier around October of 2017 all test including blood work said I was not pregnant. March 2018 I was about 5-6months already. I literally felt nothing the entire time. My little girl decided to come early. I was 36 weeks and 6days when I went into labor.

My husband was gone and 12 hrs away for work still, so my friend/co-worker took me to the hospital. By the time we got there it went in 00:32 hrs. So literally 32 mins. I did not make it to the operating room nor make it to get any type of medicine. I had her in the hallway vaginally with no epidural/no medicine what so ever. My dr did not want me to have a vaginal after a c-section for the risk of bleeding out or hemorrhaging. She was fully developed THANK GOD and sooooo little. My husband did not make it until 2pm the next day he was soooo upset.

My last two are 16months apart. I don’t know how this is going to work. GOD has a plan up there and I’m not going to question HIM anymore. My oldest is 5 now and is like a 2nd mommy!!!

Adrolynn 6/4/18 @ 11:40pm

Marcus Jr. 3/17/17 @ 3:26am

Jaliyah 6/11/13 1:35pm