Break up and after Pt 1


When he left, I was so sad. I checked his social media, he blocked me on everything expect on iMessage. I was so confused. A whole week without talking to me. I was crying, I kept on calling him, texting him, everything. He would read it but wouldn’t answer at all. Don’t get me wrong, I know he was upset and shit. On a Wednesday, he texted me saying that he was going to be the bigger person and walk away from the confusion and bad vibes. Like BRO WHAT? YOU DIDNT EVEN TALK TO ME STFU LOL. I didn’t reply at all. Then on Friday, he requested to follow me. I got excited and shit. He texted me saying if I want to talk, we’ll talk....

On a Sunday he came over, we both cried. We both just had a shit show. I was so mad, later in he conversation, he said KEY WORD: (HE SAID) “We can still hang out, do all we use to do as friends, the more we hang out. YOU GAIN MY TRUST BACK.So that shit got my hopes up. He also said that he still cares and that’s why he came back as a freind. Before he left, we hugged and he asked for another one before he left. When he did, he called me saying “I don’t want to be that couple that goes on and off. I want to stay as a couple.” I understood and thought that we’re going to work this out. You know?

We still texted each other and hardly saw each other. When we saw each other for a few minutes, he was holding me and hugging me a long time. That got me happy you know?