11DPO Symptoms but BFN???

I have been having some symptoms that could be considered pregnancy - related since about 6DPO, which is the day I felt some slightly more intense dull cramping and a pulling sensation on the left side of my uterus. I ovulated from my left side this cycle, if that means anything. I've been feeling more tired than usual, sore nipples, slightly tender breasts around the sides, emotional, and a LOT OF GAS. Haha tmi but it's the worst I've ever had in my life. I've had consistently negative HPTs since 9DPO when I started testing. I'm starting to get a bit discouraged since I feel like I'm having some symptoms but my tests are negative. If I'm not, I'll be fine and just try next month, but I'm really hoping this is our month. Let me know what you think, ladies. Did any of you experience this and start AF a few days later, or did you get your BFP closer to your missed period? Below is a pic of my test from 10dpo (yesterday). AF due Wednesday.