Super anxious

So I’m having my baby between 36-37 Weeks (scheduled csection)

My grandmother wants to come and stay with me for 2 weeeks to help me and I don’t want her help whatsoever.

Last year I had an emergency csection and lost my baby she was a micropreemie. So I know what is like to have a csection and I know I could do it on my own and with my SO help.

My grandma doesn’t even acknowledge that previous birth she’s always saying “ I know what a csection feels like” like duh I know too. She didn’t bother to come when I had my micropreemie baby ( she lived for 3 weeks in the NICU). My grandma didn’t bother to come. And now all of the sudden she wants to come be here for this one.

I’m already annoyed with her coming to my house because she likes to “help me” and then tell the whole world what she has helped me with. I hate that. I love my life private.

She’s always mentioning that this is her “first great granddaughter” like what about my precious baby that I lost, she’s not some type of disposal memory.

I don’t know how to tell her I don’t need her help.

I just want to bond with my baby without feeling stressed

All the sacrifice I have put through myself to carry this baby , I just want to be greedy.

I get weekly Makena shots, also weekly cervical lengthy checks. I had my cerclage placed by 14 weeks so I went on bedrest after the cerclage as a precautionary measure. I have not lifted anything at all. Ive taken care of myself.