Words of encouragement.

Dana 🌈👶🏻

It’s late and I’m just sitting here watching my little bean plant a little bean in his diaper and I can’t help but to smile at all his little faces and grunts. And I know it sounds strange, but I never thought watching my son poop would bring me such joy.

I remember when I first got pregnant I was so scared. So scared of labor that I literally cried. So scared that I wouldn’t be a good mom or be able to provide the way I should. But let me offer some peace of mind to those of you who are still going through these fears.

When it was time for me to go into labor, I didn’t have one single thought of fear because I was to excited. My body was so in control of the process that there wasn’t time for fear. And now that I have him here in my arms I don’t fear for being a good mom, because his smiles tell me that I’m doing just fine. He comforts me in a way that I cannot describe.

What I’m trying to say is when it comes time to do all these things you won’t be afraid anymore, because your little bean is worth it all and will give you the strength you need to cast aside blank fears.

So fear not mommas to be, you are going to be just fine. Poops will make you smile.