HELP ! Itchy stretch marks !


So I’ve been lucky enough to not have any stretch marks until I hit about 34 weeks.

I’m 36 1/2 weeks now and man oh man do these stretch marks itch/burn. They feel so inflamed and I know not to scratch, but sometimes I can’t help it and scratch in my sleep.

This is what I’ve tried so far ... separately and all combines together.

- Bio Oil

- Vaseline Intense Repair Lotion

- Aloe Vera gel

- Hydrocortisone cream (was told to stop by my doctor)

The above seem to help during the day for the most part but then at night it seems like as much as I’ve lathered them all on and rubbed and rubbed...nothing seems to give me any relief or prevent itching. I try to take a Tylenol and a Benadryl at night if I go to bed early enough to prevent myself my scratching in the middle of the night, other than that I’m miserable 😩

So please ! Any recommendations are greatly appreciated.