Boyfriend with Aspergers.. update

Am I Over reacting? My boyfriend has an incomplete diagnosis of Aspergers from childhood. He’d been diagnosed with add, adhd and other stuff. But every time his parents took him to a different doctor they’d change the diagnosis. Finally they took him to a doctor that said he may have Aspergers and his parents got tired of them switching his diagnosis so they just stopped taking him. Well his mom is always trying to make the diagnosis into something it’s not. For instance my boyfriend agreed to go to a concert with me and she freaked out telling me that I shouldn’t have asked him because crowds will freak him out and cause him to shut down. And how I’m a bad Gf and need to be considerate. He Informed her that he’s fine and hasn’t been like that since he was a child. (He works around a lot of people and we always go to malls and amusement parks and he does fine) but it’s like she’s always trying to hold him back and make him into something he’s not. That diagnosis could’ve been wrong just like the others but it’s like she wants him to accept it and live a certain way

Update. @em sorry I want to stay anon but that’s exactly what it seems like !! She’s always calling him her little baby and acting as if he can’t make decisions for himself. That’s crazy