He turns me on!


i swear my boyfriend is AMAZING! well to me.. and thats all that matters right?! lol

ok, so this is one of the reasons heas amazing! im so used to sleeping with a tower fan near my bed along with the ceiling fan at full blast. its just me! dont judge me lol i live in AZ 115 weather! ideserve these 2 fans on! anyway!

when i sleep over at his house he only has a ceiling fan! so its HOT for me!

like i have to sower before bed and drug myself with robitussin and allergy pills for a goodnight sleep.. lol sorry! so today he texts me about a new tower fan he got me! me?! lol

we were so busy working all day i forgot! so i stayed home tonight! then i remembered my tower fan! but it was so late iddnt want to drive over!

the first two texts about me deserving something.. is about a raise at work! i now fall in the “iget paid more than my bf” category! as he would say...i try not to talk about that! it kinda bugs him but he says hes proud of me. and i try to encourage him in any way possible!

hes amazing and sends me sexy snaps! what am i doing!? typing this? igotta go see some nudes on snap! later!