She made her arrival (Crazy birth story)

Maishell • • JAYDEN & JAZLYN •

Jazlyn Rose 🥀

Born on July 22, 2018 @ 5:11pm (39+5)

Weighed 5lbs8oz

My boyfriend and I decided to have sex and a friend told me to do it doggy style and it’d put me into labor. Well for some reason the last week and a half I was telling my boyfriend for us to try it, he refused, but on Sunday he did it. I automatically felt uncomfortable, and within 30 seconds I was telling him to hurry up and finish cause it was hurting me(but I was determined) 3 minutes and he was done. I ran to the restroom to pee and clean myself and I had blood when I wiped. I got two contractions after that but thought they’d go away, the 3rd one came so I decided to time them. The first two I timed were 2.5 minutes apart, the third on was 1.5 minutes apart and from then on they were all lasting 20+ seconds and were 1.5 minutes apart. My car isn’t running at the moment so we were relying on my father in law to take me to the hospital, so I tell my boyfriend to call his dad I think I need to go. What happens? His dad won’t answer!!! I’m like no, keep calling, I’m going to take a body shower. 5 minute shower and I had 2 contractions. Eventually his dad answers and says he’s on his way, (15 minutes from my house). We start getting everything together and my boyfriend I don’t think thought it was time. Im starting to get scared because my contractions were so close and pretty intense AND we live an hour away from the hospital. By time we were about 12 minutes from the hospital my contractions got worse! I felt like I was going to have my daughter in the car! I get to the hospital and stand up out of the car and BAM it feels like she’s coming out, I’m standing outside the main entrance yelling about how bad it hurt. I finally got some relief and I run inside and tell the ladies I need to go to L&D.; They rush me upstairs, they didn’t even have time to get all my info, they check me and I’m 9cm. They get me to a room, 4 contractions later the nurse accidentally broke my water, 2 pushes later my daughter was here!!! 2 hours of labor. I got to the hospital at around 4:50pm and had her at 5:11pm