Baby shower problems 😞


I really hope this post doesn't make me sounds ungrateful because that's not the case. My mom insisted on throwing me a baby shower and told me that I needed to quit buying things so people would have something to get me. That was a couple months ago and I have quit buying stuff, I've been spending my spare money on nursery decor and other things (normally I spent it on baby items). Well I'm 28 weeks now and asked my mom when we were supposed to have it. She told me on Sept 8th. My c section is scheduled for October 8th. I told her that's really cutting it close considering I dont have everything I need yet and I don't want to be buying everything last minute if I dont get it at my baby shower. She just insisted everything would be fine. I let it go because it's not like she HAS to give me a shower. But I'm really freaking out and want to start buying more stuff with my spare money just in case. I dont have a travel system yet, no swing, no newborn clothes (got way too many when I had my daughter), and I'm not sure how long I'll continue to work so I'm worried about not having spare money either. Am I being unreasonable for wanting to have just a few weeks earlier? It could just be pregnancy hormones making me freak out for no reason..

EDIT: Thank you for all of your comments! I think a lot of it just has to do with my personality and the way I'm wired lol. I have always freaked out about being on time for things. I get anxiety when I'm running late for something lol. I'm just going to let it be, and try to keep myself calm in the mean time lol.