Am I crazy???


Ooookay so if you haven’t seen any of my other posts lil backstory, so I’m very regular with my cycle and I track it religiously. Well this cycle my SO and I used preseed for the first time. From the start of after ovulation I felt different this cycle. I am rarely late on my period and if I am it’s 1 or 2 days. This cycle I’ve missed my ENTIRE period and am currently 5 days late. I’ve been testing like a mad woman just cuz I’ve just felt weird. My normal pms symptoms (which again, always regular and always right on cue) have yet to show any sign of them being here. I’ve noticed I’m SUPER moody and within the past couple days my sense of smell has intensified and today I about threw up at the scent of my kids pancakes from McDonald’s. (Smells usually do not get to me like that whatsoever even if I don’t like it) so... does anyone see this vvvvvvfl??? I’m seriously thinking I’m finally pregnant and I’m trying not to flip my lid as I’ve wanted this for SO long since having my son at 17.

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