Falling......In Love?

Hello. Help.

I met a sweet sweet guy on Twitter, he’s very spiritual and very much into God and knowledge of the Bible. He’s such a sweetheart, we talked more when I messaged him about his food because he’s into deep culinary, and his foods always look amazing. He’s very attractive too (Bonus! Lolllll) We’re both 19. But. We’re long distance. And nooo he is not a catfish, we FaceTime all the time. He’s such a beautiful man. We have a bond like no other, I’ve been afraid to open up to him but now I’m really letting loose. We’ve been talking for a month and a half, I don’t believe in falling in love “Too fast” , this feels just right. I truly care about him, life and achieving goals. I feel like.... He’s home to me. He lives all the way in Maryland and I’m down here in the south, (Texas). But nothing he does or say makes me want to end anything we’ve been building. He’s been everything I’ve ever wanted. He’s always wanted a woman who can understand him, and respect life and herself. I feel I deserve so much.... No guy has ever been any different. I never feel sexually attracted to him or lustful, no.... I feel... This is love. Thoughts? Comments? We truly want to meet soon. I feel it’s only right, in order for us to move up a notch with what we have.

Our status is we’re courting. I haven’t talked to my mother about us just yet, I don’t feel it’s right time, not until we truly have established something serious.😊