Trying not to be worried...


First pregnancy and found out super early! 3 wks 2 days. Sigh. Just beginning to get over the missed period hump and trying to stay very hopeful that it’s a sticky bean!! Want this soooo much.

My goal is to stay present and hopeful each day and not get caught up worrying about a loss when there is absolutely no reason to in this moment BUT ITS HARD.

A friend of mine experienced an 8wk loss last year and she shared this with me:

“my only regret now from my miscarriage is not sitting with it more and just enjoying the fact that my baby was with me. I was so worried because i was dubbed a high risk pregnancy and was told i wouldn’t make it past 1st trimester.

We lived together.. it shared my thoughts and was eating, bathing, walking with me.

I was sooo happy! And that’s how I need to remember it.”

This is giving me HOPE!