Excruciating miscarriage cramping

Help please. I need some kind of relief. 😢

I’m having such bad cramps/labor pains? I am only 10 weeks and baby stopped growing at around 5 weeks. The pain has been so bad. I told my ob and she didn’t seem concerned. I have been on the couch since yesterday with a heating pad. I’m allergic to moltrin/Advil so I take Tylenol and it isn’t helping. Is there anything else I can do? I’m on day three of this agony. Maybe sitting/laying in a different position? I don’t know what to do anymore 😞 I usually have bad period cramping that I’m able to deal with but I have never felt a pain this bad. I am not a wimp I assure you this isn’t me just whining. I would just like to have some relief finally after waiting for my body to naturally let go for weeks. 😢