Thoughts on gaming?

M • Loving life! ❤️✌️

Ok not completely controversial but I saw this on Facebook and was curious to see reactions here...

Personally I have absolutely no problem with my husband playing video games at the end of a long day or even to relax on a day off! I view it no differently than when I unwind with a good book 🤷‍♀️ The “adult males” I’m assuming are being discussed here were raised primarily in the 80’s-00’s, you know, THE ADVENT OF GAMING. Honestly, I’d be a little leery of a man in this age range that *wasn’t* interested in video games...that’s almost a sign of being antisocial for that generation lol

I mean let’s be honest ladies, a lot of us grew up with controllers in our hands too! I’m not at all ashamed to admit that I bought a Nintendo SNES Classic when they were first released a few years ago and have reclaimed all my old high scores on Donkey Kong Country and Mario Kart 😆