Relieved 😌

Laura • Momma to Holland (4yrs), Eden (3yrs), and Baby #3 due Sept 2024

I don’t know why, but I’ve been so paranoid over having an early miscarriage. This is my first pregnancy, so it’s not like I have any real reason to be since it’s never happened to me before. I’ve just seen so many heartbreaking stories and I want this baby to stick so bad.

But this afternoon, I finally got my first dark line and I feel like I can actually take a minute to breathe and get excited about this now. I mean, I could see a slight progression between the first 3 tests, but this 4th one is just... BAM 💥

I know that doesn’t mean I’m out of the woods and things could still happen, but at least I know something is going right. Good luck and prayers for all you lovely ladies out there struggling with the same worries 💛