Just a warning, my story sucks...


So I should have been 6 weeks today. I was on my 4th round of clomid and synthroid and I was tracking my cycles like a hawk so I know what day I ovulated the cycle I got pregnant. Starting last night I had a glob of brown discharge streaked with red. Nothing overnight but then throughout the day today it has turned into full on period-like bleeding with small clots. I had my Hcg Checked this morning after reporting the spotting to by OB and my value was only 351. They said they would check it again in 48 hrs. I havent had any cramping but once the bleeding picked up later in the day I called again and they have me coming in the morning for an ultrasound.

My question I guess would by why? It's clear to me I've miscarried so I don't see the point in having an ultrasound. Is there any likelyhood that I'm still pregnant with an HCG that low and all this bleeding? I was too upset on the phone to ask questions. I'm just dreading going in for an ultrasound just to make me have to look at what I feel like I already know is a thing. 😔