TTC & praying specifically


John 15:7- if you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it shall be done for you.

This is one of my favorite verses and one that I recite daily in my prayers. How awesome is it that the lord wants to have a personal relationship with us. His word tells us to abide in him and for his words to abide in us and whatever we ask it will be done for us. So how should we pray? What should we pray? In the beginning of my ttc journey my prayer was alway to get pregnant. One day in a sermon at church the preacher, preached on praying specifically and not being afraid to pray our specific request to the Lord. Yes we should also pray for his will and should be ready to accept his will, whatever it may be. But the lord really wants a relationship with us, he wants us to talk to him and come to him with our wants and needs, specifically. He wants us to know his word and to keep it in our hearts. Reciting his scriptures and promises when you pray only makes your prayer that much stronger. A couple days after I heard the message on praying specifically I sat down and wrote down my exact prayer in this ttc journey, and it was literally 4 pages long. I prayed for healing on my infertility, I prayed for regular functioning cycles and ovulation, I prayed for the ability to conceive a baby naturally with my husband without any major help, I prayed his protection over myself and my baby once I did conceive, I thanked the lord in advance for answering my prayer because I believe whole heartedly he will, I thanked him for the many blessings I have already received. It was like writing a letter to the lord, it was my letter of prayer. Then I taped it to my bathroom mirror along with verses from the Bible I wanted to pray when I prayed. I can not tell you how much stronger and intimate my prayer time with the lord became when I began praying specifically and praying his scriptures. It totally changed things for me, my attitude, my mind set, my hope, my faith....also it felt really good to get my thoughts and prayer wrote down just like letting a load out, a true form of expression from me to the lord. I want to encourage all ladies ttc not to be afraid to pray specifically. I also want to encourage you to stay in his word and study his promises, hide his words in your heart and recite his scriptures when you pray. Relying on the lord and strengthening your relationship with the Lord is exactly what we need during this difficult trial, and it’s exactly what God wants. I tell my husband all the time I truly think God just wanted us to grow closer to him through all this, to be patient and to trust in his will and his timing. I believe he wanted our faith to be strengthened, and that he wants us to walk by faith. Still to this day we haven’t received our baby blessing, but that’s ok. There isn’t a single doubt in my heart or mind that the lord is going to breathe life into my womb,blessing us with a baby. Each day I pray and study his word I feel so much hope, and honestly I feel like our baby miracle is literally right around the corner. The Lord has given me a peace in my stage of waiting and he can give you peace as well. Do not be afraid to pray specifically, open your heart up to God and bare your most vulnerable parts. I promise you will not regret it! I’m praying for all of you ladies struggling to conceive daily. We will get our baby blessing!