Cat sensing labor is near??

Katy • FTM To beautiful boy

I’m 37 weeks and my cat who is very attached to me has not cared about my pregnancy in the slightest. If anything it has annoyed her because she always used to sleep on me at night but once I started to get uncomfortable as I got bigger I tossed and turned a lot which irritated her so she stopped sleeping with me and slept in her cat bed in our room instead. Last night I really wasn’t feeling awesome. Any movement the baby made was extremely uncomfortable or flat out painful. My belly constantly felt hard with tons of constant pressure. I don’t think it was contractions because there was no pattern or waves of severe pain, just constant pressure and pain which were tolerable, just highly unpleasant and misery inducing. I just stayed in bed and rested for the evening and went to bed early.

Well my cat suddenly refused to leave my side. She had to be ON me at all times, often half on my belly, half on the pregnancy pillow I was snuggled up to. If I changed positions, which I did a lot, she would come right back and go to my belly again. If I got up to pee or get water she followed me and meowed at me the entire time. She hasn’t been like that the entire pregnancy. I’m wondering if those symptoms were the very early signs labor is near and she is sensing labor is coming before I even realize that’s what it is. Anyone experience something similar? Could she really know labor is going to happen in the near future?