Sex drive 🙄

DYvette 💗 3🎀 hoping for 💙 3/11/19

I really don’t have one. But I don’t “feel” like I am pregnant at all. I can’t stay up pass 10pm and can’t sleep after 6am😩🤷🏽‍♀️😂 my husband works and usually when I want it he’s not here. Far as sexing at night, I’m usually too sleepy and we fall asleep on the sofa all the time. I’ll tell him let’s go upstairs and 2 seconds later I’m sleep. I feel bad like I’m neglecting him. We make sex dates and never stick to them. So I’m up super early (like always) and I’m like let’s get it in before you leave. Guess who’s too tired...he is😫👀🙄🙄Day 4 😡 no sex!!!! any suggestions