stopping ebf & starting formula

3👼🌈💖2018🌈💙2020💖2021💙2023 • God's timing is perfect🙏⛪

for the first time since my daughter has been born she took a bottle with no problem last night, I was so proud of her. I fought her to the death to try to get her to take a bottle, and she would never do it! I no longer want to breastfeed, it's too time-consuming and stops me from a lot of things I need to get done, I have breastfed my daughter for almost 4 months and I want to transition her to formula. I don't know how to take the steps, I am a FTM. I am hoping somebody can help me out and tell me what I got to do to transition her, I don't want to completely stop breastfeeding her yet. although in time I do want to stop. If you could give me any advice I'd be very thankful thank you have a good day.....