Self Love 💕?

Blawndie 🌿🍃 • ✨✨✨✨blawndee

I just want to get something off my chest ..,

I know they say you’re suppose to love yourself and not count on anyone to give that love to you, but how? How can you not count on others to love you too, like you love yourself you know you’re great , so how can you not expect others to love you for loving yourself ? How are not suppose to count on someone to love you in hard times and good . Why are they in your life if you can depend on them ? Like I admit it I’m not that strong I’m human I need attention I’m not made of Stone . Like I depend on others , and can’t help it ? I believe I’m still a “strong independent female “ but hell I need love too. Is it wrong to dependent on others does it make you weak to admit hell I need him or I need them ? Nowadays ever girl I know is scream “f that dude love you “ and if you’re the opposite I feel you’re seen as weak . Can you depend on others and still be seen as strong ?