Ultra light period???


I’ve always been a 7-9 day period kind of girl, even when I was on the pill, and using super tampons for most of that time.

Recently, like within the last 4 months, I switched to a copper IUD: a non-hormonal birth control option. My intentions were that this would help me lose weight. So far though, no weight change. But that’s beside the point...

My first period after switching was horrible. Extreme cramping (I cried...and I have a high pain tolerance) every single day, bleeding through super tampons in 45 minutes, mood swings out the ass...you name it and I got it.

The second one wasn’t so bad. Still bleeding a bit heavy for me, and cramping but not as bad.

The third one was back to how it had been when I was on HBC.

But now this month...it’s so weird. I “started” on Sunday, but by Tuesday I was basically done. I’ve literally never had a period last less than 5 days, and I’ve been getting my period for 18 years.

The only thing I can think of is that I started the 21 day fix on Monday. So I’m working out daily, drinking a SHIT ton of water (150 oz a day) and eating clean and lots of veggies. Could this be what caused my period to be so kind to me this month? Or was I just spotting and the real period is yet to come? WTH ladies...help!! Idk what’s happening!! Haha.