36 weeks 5 days


Just a little background information before I begin , throughout this pregnancy has been rough as far as me having high blood pressure all the time which they diagnosed me with Gestational Hypertension, I am always being tested for Preeclampsia which all my labs always come back okay, I've only had 2 incidents where my urine showed a trace of protein , 1 of those incidents was just last week and my blood pressure was high at that appointment so they sent me to L&D; , I was only at the appointment for an NST which I am scheduled twice a week for NST's. Everything was fine at the hospital according to them so of course I was sent home , I always am . However, I have had 3 NST's done so far and the last 2 I've been sent to the hospital because my son's heart rate showed dips a few times. Of course at the hospital they said everything was fine and sent me home . My last NST I was having contractions, I had period cramping all morning that morning which the last 5 days I've been experiencing tailbone pain and lower back pain and pressure when I walk or stand up along with period cramping every day. I am 1cm dilated, my baby's head is very low and my cervix is soft according to my OBGYN. Since the appointment on one night I had a few globs of light brown/red discharge that looked like snot but I haven't seen any since only yellowish discharge. I'll assume that was my mucus plug. I don't know if any of this is linked together so that is why I'm telling you. So now I can get on with my issue now, last night around 9pm I got a throbbing headache that lasted a good hour before I decided to just go to bed, I do not get a lot of headaches but when I do usually they don't feel as bad or last as long, I'm usually able to sleep it off however this time it feels like it's still lingering this morning, along with me feeling a little nauseous, so I took my blood pressure and it was 145/95 ,I haven't even gotten out of bed. I get readings like this or worse sometimes and everytime they send me to get checked I'm sent home.