So done already. Warning: LONG


First let me say I love my son more than anything or anybody in the world and I haven’t even met him yet. But I have been having Braxton Hicks contractions almost non stop for three weeks now pelvic pressure (because his head is already so for down in the canal) and a non stop headache. I am so ready for him to be out it is unreal. My doctor has told me every week for the last 3 weeks that I will not make it to my due date getting my hopes up that I won’t have this pain much longer and still no baby and I’m about 8 days from my due date. I thought my water broke Monday and went in turned out to be a false alarm. They couldn’t tell me what I was dilated to because when they checked she said that his head was so big she was trying to pull my cervix down a little to reach better and I was in pain and his heart rate shot up to 170s when it had been 150s. Does anyone else hurt when they check your cervix? Like them just sticking their fingers in hurt. They said I’m definitely at least 2 cm but I’ve also been 2 the last 3 weeks. I know that baby’s come when they are ready but I’m just in so much pain all the time. I’ve tried walking and dancing and hot baths and cool baths nothing is helping and to make things worse now my feet are so swollen that they look like (as my 15 and 18 year old sisters say) sausages. I’m not really looking for an answer just needed to vent without someone telling to do something I’ve already tried doing or telling me to hurry up and have him. Like girl trust me if it worked that way he’d already be out.