My Life is Changed Forever ❤


I had my baby that was due August 6th on July 19th. He is a tiny little guy born at 5 lbs 13 oz and his pediatrician thinks he may have actually only been 36 weeks rather than the 37 we thought based on how he acts. He didn't understand how to latch or suck which has made feeding a huge struggle. My husband and I have been working so hard to teach our son these important things and they almost didn't let him come home with me from the hospital because of his feeding problems! But we were able to make enough improvements after an extra night in the hospital and we were discharged together. It's almost been a week since he was born and my husband and I have been loving every second in this new chapter of our lives. Everything about our little boy is perfect our hearts are overflowing. His feeding is improving and we see him developing and growing more and more each day. My husband and I both cry at the drop of a hat when we look at this beautiful baby we made and get to raise. Our lives have changed forever and it's wonderful ❤