my concerns/&also needed to vent


I know every woman's pregnancy is different, but could it possibly be similar to your mother's pregnancies ?

My mother had 5 c-sections due to not being able to dilate & so did my mother's mom as well. My doctor doesn't even seemed to be worried about it, and it really didn't give me peace of mind. She just laughed about it. (her bedside manner is horrible to me) I know there's no real way of knowing.. I'm just getting so close, and I'm worried that I'll have a horrible experience.. & my doctor is also going on vacation on my due date. Now I'm just nervous & frustrated. She's been on this journey with me the whole time & now I kind of just feel like I number to her. She even made a statement that she "needed a break" (since her last holiday vaca got ruined since she had to come and deliver baby)

should I change doctors? lol even though I only have like 4 weeks left or so? what do youu ladies think? am I over reacting?