Is this workplace bullying?

So I work in hospitality industry. I have social anxiety and have always been walked over or bullied. I’m 28 now and I’m tired of going through this shit! Well my permanent boss is away on maternity leave and they’ve replaced her with a lunatic asshole chef. I find he only talks to me and other quiet people this way because we never stand up for ourselves....examples ....


Him: do we have 4 teapots?

Me: No, there’s 2

Him: I didn’t ask if there were two I asked if we have 4?

Me: No there’s not 4


Him: can u take these drinks back to nurses closet

Me: do you want me to do it now or later (I was really busy at the time)?

Him: did I ask you to do it now?


Him: okay then

It was another thing he said last month I forgot now but it was similar to the other 2 examples.

Also he’s made a few racist remarks about other people that didn’t sit well with me.


“She’s always calling in sick, but she’s part aboriginal so she’s probably getting a lot of government benefits”


One of the cooks: we had an agency chef yesterday and he took 3hrs to make a cake!

Him: was he Asian? (Idk if there’s some kinda stereotype......)


We ran out of milk one day. One of my coworkers said “let’s ask (our boss) who’s on maternity leave is Indian) for some milk. I’m sure she has plenty of supply” joking about using her breast milk.

He stepped in and said “nobody wants curry flavoured milk” jokingly...but still racist

I find him incredibly rude, arrogant, and a bully. I’m thinking about anonymously reporting him in; but I feel like nothing will happen. Last month he caused a staff member to go on stress leave because of his bullying. He told her to her face “get fucked” she reported it and nothing was done. She was in tears and hasn’t been at work since.