Do you think I'm pregnant???


So my husband and I have been ttc for about 1 year. I was suppose to get my period on July 11 and my last period was June 11. I'm 2 weeks past when AF was due. I have had some slight cramping that goes in and out all day ( I would say a 3/10 pain scale. I have been nauseous and thrown up a few times, headaches, heartburn, backache, and still have cervical mucus when it usually goes away when I am about to have my period. I have also been extremely fatigued at work but feel like I could stay up all night when I try to go bed. I am even wondering if I am pregnant because I keep getting negative pregnancy tests. I did go in this past Monday ( July 23rd) for a blood pregnancy test and waiting on the results. I guess what I am asking is do you think it's all in my head or do you think I am pregnant?

Ps. My birth mother also did not know she was pregnant until she was 11 weeks pregnant but had early symptoms. I don't know much about my birth mom other than I was a mistake to her and was adopted by my amazing parents I have today.