Walking by faith & TTC


2 Corinthians 5:7- for we walk by faith, and not by sight.

Walking by faith, now that is a challenge right there. I know lots of us ladies ttc like to talk ourselves into the fact that we are walking by faith, when really we are walking blindly in fear. Fear of not knowing will we ever get our baby miracle? Walking by faith can be hard y’all. We are human, of course we have the tendency to walk by sight. We require proof in order to believe. We want to see things happening in order to believe and know we will conceive. After all if we knew 100% that we were going to get pregnant this whole waiting thing wouldn’t be so hard. So how do we get to where we need to be in order to truly start walking by faith? Prayer, prayer, prayer, drawing close to the lord. The more you strengthen your relationship with God the greater your faith becomes. I’m telling y’all the Lord wants this relationship with us, he wants us to cast our burdens on him and to let him take care of it. Not only that but he wants us to trust he is going to take care of it. Studying his word and his promises will also help your faith grow stronger and deeper. When you truly see how much the lord loves us and the things he has promised us, it changes things. He wants us to lean on him and he is there to carry us when things get hard and we get weak. I am here to tell you I have walked by both faith and sight and it is so much better walking by faith. I am filled with so much joy and hope now. I have really strengthen my faith through this ttc trial and it has changed my perspective on everything. Is it hard at times? Yes, yes it is. But y’all it gives you so much peace. Faith is believing and not seeing. Trust in the lord with all your heart. He loves us, he is here for us, and he hears our prayers. It is up to us weather or not we have faith in him seeing us through this and blessing us with our sweet baby miracle. And he will, I know he will. I am at peace knowing and trusting my God will answer this prayer for me and he will for you to. Hope y’all ladies have a wonderful night. I encourage each and everyone to walk by faith, and not by sight, and to keep those prayers coming, not just for yourself, but for one another! Praying for all of you!