Possible C-section after herpes diagnosis 😔

So I'd never known I had herpes (no cold sores, no sores of any kind ANYWHERE) and early in pregnancy I tested positive for it. Enter into my 36th week and the doctor says that they need to test old blood to see whether or not I need to have a c-section in order to keep my baby safe from being transferred the virus. I'm heartbroken. Because up until this point I've had an amazing pregnancy and nothings gone "wrong". I'm getting a blood test tomorrow to see whether or not this is indeed going to happen. I've been put on 400mg aciclovir three times a day to prevent the possibility of an outbreak (I've never had one so I don't see why they'd start now...) I'm scared. I'm scared of a C-section, I'm scared of the virus being transferred, I'm scared of the recovery, I'm just.. Scared. I'd love to hear some words of mama's in similar situations, I feel broken.