
my mom is always calling me useless, if i forget to do something, like for example, our washer is manual, so we have to go down and press the button every time it has a new setting (rinse,wash,rinse and spin) and if i forget to go push the button she’s always telling me to fuck off or “your useless, you can’t do anything” and i really try and help her. i’m in charge of laundry, dishes, vacuuming, cleaning the car, taking the trash out, keeping the living room clean, and keeping my own room clean. i try my best to do it all but i’m just one person. i have anxiety and depression and a little bit of OCD, and i always have panic attacks if she yells at me and stuff and i always end up in my room crying. idk what to do.

i get it’s her house, her rules but i don’t find this fair, telk me if i’m wrong though..

also i can’t just leave because my father doesn’t care about me and my grandparents house isn’t an option. i really need to talk to a therapist but i can’t because my mom has no money to pay for one.

is she doing the right thing by calling me useless? it really hurts me. it makes me think nobody wants me because i can’t do anything.