Home remedies for irregular periods.


I just read somewhere n want to share..

1. Ginger

Boil one-half teaspoon of freshly ground ginger in a cup of water for five to seven minutes. Add sugar. Drink 3x a day after meals. Do for a month.

2. Cinnamon

One teaspoon of cinnamon powder to a glass of milk. Drink daily for several weeks. Also..Can sprinkle on tea or foods.

3. Aloe Vera

Extract fresh aloe Vera gel from aloe leaf. Mix one teaspoon of honey. Consume daily before having breakfast. Do not use during periods.

4. Unripe papaya

Green unripe papaya. Make it into juice. Consume regularly for a few months. Do not drink during period.

5. Carrot juice

Drink a glass of carrot juice regularly for three months. You can combine with other vegetable juices as well.

P/s: resources= www.harmonywomenshealth.com

We can do this.