Sibling trouble... 😰

Abi ☆ • Your worth is not measured by the size of your waist x

Already postes this in another group as well, just so I get different views from different ages. ❤️

(Sorry if you’ve already seen this...)

I might just be overreacting about this, but I feel it’s impossible to share a room with my little sister.

I’m 13, you know hormones going insane practically. And I need to share a room and everything with my little sister, she’s 11 and lets just say she doesn’t really understand what I’m going through... Periods, spots and hormones.

I share a room with my sister, she takes my clothes, my phone, my hair straighteners and curlers even my own moisturiser and shampoo... She even tries to sleep in the same bed as me, and it’s a single bed! 😨

But the thing is, when I tell her not to use my things I get into trouble for it, even though I’ve been given these things by them. Logic. 🤦‍♀️

(Like the other day, I had saved up my birthday money and bought myself the Urban Decay Heat palette, which I saved up for ages and was super excited about getting. I came home and my sister had opened it up, and was scraping all the colours with a pencil. I asked her what she was doing and she told me “Oh, I thought this was for me. I was using it for colouring.” She had destroyed 6 of the colours completely and there was nothing left of them. Then I got into trouble for being annoyed and grabbing it of her cause she continued to stab it with a pencil! I spent all my birthday money on it , then waited all week on it just for her to break it, I cried non stop that day...)

I need to share everything with my sister so I basically get no privacy and alone time, I feel everything I do needs to be okay with her. I’m not even allowed to watch what I want on Netflix in case it’s unsuitable for my little sister, so I’m watching PLL and she’s watching Orange Is The New Black, even I know that’s way to old... But I get told by her to turn my show off because she says inappropriate. So then I normally tell her OITNB is inappropriate and not even for her age, and my mum shouts at me. 😰

(And I know OITNB is unsuitable, I watched the first episode. Seen to much skin on the tv and turned it off. And she’s 11! And she’s hasn’t had “the talk” in school yet or by my mum. So on OITNB when it shows stuff she doesn’t really know what she’s seeing or what they are actually doing.)

But then she asks me what they’re doing and I need to answer with, “they’re just hugging.” 🤗

And because we share a room I get given all the responsibilities for the both of us, I need to hoover, dust, brush, polish and then clean up her mess of toys, clothes and everything else and then I can deal with myself. And she refuses to do anything and my mum and dad just accept that, I even need to walk 2 dogs myself. And one of them is bigger than me. (St Bernard and a yorkie, great mixture... It’s like waking a mouse and an elephant, at the same time! 🐀🐘)

I have bunk beds with her which I guess isn’t that bad, but the thing is when I wake up in the morning she’s crawled into my bed during the night. And I think it’s weird and annoying. My mum says “Ohhhh, it’s cute. She likes you.” But can I say this one time, it’s not cute at all, maybe it’s cute for a little baby and all but really. She has her own bed which is pretty much the same as mine considering they are bunk beds. So I don’t see how she can’t just sleep in her own.

And believe me, that isn’t even the worst part.

Sorry of this is TMI for anyone but I need to share the full story. So... she needs to do everything with a door open. I mean EVERYTHING! 😬 She does the toilet with the door open and showers. Then comes in the room naked for about an hour until she decides to put clothes on. And, I don’t wanna see that. 🙈

I’ve tried explaining to her but nope, she still does it anyway.

I’ve tried everything to get some privacy, I’ve hidden in cupboards, wardrobes, toilets, EVERYWHERE. But it never works.

And I know it’s not my parents fault, they can’t help it if the house is too small. But if they could at least sit my sister down and talk to her about how I need my space. And they always say we are equals but how come I always get treated differently?

Has anyone been in a similar situation, and what did they do?

How long is this gonna last cause I seriously can’t handle it?


What should I do?

(And thanks for reading my rant, it helps just to write it out.)